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Immerse yourself in the sacred flames of Holy Fire Meditation. Ignite your inner spark, release the past, and invite divine guidance. Connect deeply with your essence and awaken to profound spiritual transformation. Let the flames of divine love and purification envelop you, illuminating your path with clarity, compassion, and inner peace.

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Why Learn Basic Numerology?
Using numerical representations of the numerous vibrational frequencies that compose the human experience, Numerology is a branch of astrology. The Ancient idea that all things are made up of energy flowing at varying speeds is one that modern science is just now starting to comprehend. Numerology offers a way to understand the universe and the features of vibrational patterns that comprise one’s life. Learning Numerology will allow you to –
- Become a professional numerologist
- Predict the past, present, and future of yourself and your clients
- Be aware of the circumstances and future of your own family and friends
Content of Basic Numerology Workshop
- Meaning of Numerology.
- How Numerology emerged across the globe.
- Short description of Chaldean, Chiro, Kabalic & Sepherial
- Numerological Analysis.
- The concept of Vowels & Consonants.
- Our Vowel & Consonantal Chakras.
- Alphabet attached with the soul when it enters the
- Physical Realm.
- Relevance of Numerology in our Life.
- Scientific Explanation of Numerology.
- Spiritual & Vedic Explanation of Numerology.
- Three aspects of Self with relevance to numbers.
- Connection Numerology & Astrology.
- Numbers & their relevance with planets.
- Numbers & their Relevance with Zodiac Signs /
- Rashi.
- Numbers & their relevance Days.
- Metaphysical Relevance of the Numbers.
- Importance & Explanation of Zero.
- Philosophy Behind the formation of Numbers.
- Spiritual Guidance behind the Numbers.
- Numbers & their connection to the human body
- Chakras.
- Narration & Description of 1, 10, 19 & 28.
- Narration & Description of 2, 11, 20 & 29.
- Narration & Description of 3, 12, 21 & 30.
- Narration & Description of 4, 13, 22 & 31.
- Narration & Description of 5, 14 & 23.
- Narration & Description of 6, 15 & 24.
- Narration & Description of 7, 16 & 25.
- Narration & Description of 8, 17 & 26.
- Narration & Description of 9, 18 & 27.
- Detailed Narration of Numbers from 1 to 31.
- What are Karmic Numbers?
- Why are they called Karmic Numbers?
- How to understand the Karmic Guidance behind numbers?
- How to examine Pitr Dosh just by reviewing the numbers?
- Why only 3 Numbers are Full Karmic Numbers & the rest numbers are known as Semi Karmic Numbers?
- How to check past life influenced by Numbers?
- Breaking the Horrors & Myths behind 4, 7, 8 & 13.
- Concept of Master Numbers?
- Why only a few numbers act as Master Numbers?
- What happens when you don’t follow the path of Master Number?
- Master influence from 11 to 99.