Vedic-Usui Reiki Mastership Course
Vedic-Usui Reiki Mastership, qualifies practitioners to teach and attune Reiki Levels I, II, and III, online and offline. Accessible after completing Levels I, II, and III.

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You can attune people if you have attained Reiki Mastership. You must complete this level if you want to teach reiki healing to your students, family, friends, or acquaintances. You will receive reiki attunement for more potent symbols at this level. After passing this level, you will be qualified to instruct and attune Reiki levels I, II, and III online and offline. After completing this level, practitioners can attune new Reiki Level I, II, and III practitioners. After successfully completing Reiki Levels I, II, and III in order, the attunement for Reiki Mastership may be received.

What are the benefits of Vedic-Usui Reiki Mastership?
Benefits of Reiki Healing include:
- Gives total mental and emotional clarity on the subject.
- Promotes curing diseases and pain.
- Protects from negative energies and thoughts.
- Encourages quick recovery from any physical, emotional, or situational issues.
- Connects with the higher realm.

Who can learn Vedic-Usui Reiki Mastership?
Reiki healing is accessible to everyone. To study reiki healing, there are no prerequisites or eligibility requirements. However, it is essential to learn the modality gradually and not to leap in and begin at any level. The energy channelisation process varies depending on the level, much like the attunement process. To learn Reiki Mastership Level, you must complete Vedic-Usui Reiki Levels I, II, and III.
Why learn Vedic-Usui Reiki Mastership?
At this level, you will obtain reiki attunement for more potent symbols. After passing this level, you will be capable of teaching and attune Reiki levels I, II, and III both online and offline. After passing this level, professionals can attune new Reiki Level I, II, and III practitioners. The initiation for Reiki Mastership can be obtained by successfully completing Reiki Levels I, II, and III in that sequence.
Course Content
- Three Attunement symbols
- Power of Hui-Yin
- How to attain a powerful state of Hui-Yin
- Some Important Yog Mudras in Attunement
- Learn the Powerful Initiation and Attunement process of Reiki Level 1,2 & 3
- Naveen Reiki Attunement Meditation for Reiki Master on a daily basis
- New Healing attunement Healing Attunement of William Lee Rand
- Self Attunement
- Distant Attunement
- Importance of Antahkarana
- Varieties and Uses of Antahkarana
- Japanese Reiki Techniques
- Laws of Universe